Performance at the Averard for Speaking Between Somehow The Spaces
photo: live: Henri Kisielewski Install: Damien Grififths
(see exhibition)
photo: live: Henri Kisielewski Install: Damien Grififths
(see exhibition)
Live event as part of Horst -See exhibition section
Averard Hotel with Slate projects London 2018 |
Live event as part of Horst -See exhibition section
A tree surgeon dismantled the structures using a chainsaw, whilst musician Jacob Reid played an experimental intuitive composition with guitar, violin bow and tools working both in and out of sync with the sound of the chainsaw. |
Live event with two fitness professionals
Opening event to solo show at The Still House New York 2015 |
Fitness professionals were instructed to intuitively train upon and within the installation during the opening of the exhibition.
Prior to the exhibition a series of weight training platforms and obstacle courses were built and painted with natural pigment. The pigment, wood, marble and plasterboard used in these activities are all pliable and receptive to the exercises. The pigment is a product of colliding tectonic plate activity, heavy deformation and the grinding, compressing and a shearing and sliding action of the earth. The platforms, objects and materials used in the exercises were then re-built into sculptural and wall based works. The live event at the opening saw the couple training on the now unrecognisable obstacle course that had been re-built for the show. The live event plays on the notion of the structure and it's intended use and the main doubled up form becomes self supporting, baring and taking the weight of the other. See Gallery section for further details. |
Accost Nascent was a site specific sculptural installation at KARST in Plymouth that housed a live MMA fight, open to the public. The event was advertised as a live fight to the MMA community and as a live performance to the galleries audience. An octagonal structure sat central to the space, with two warming up platforms connected by pigment laid down on the floor, forming the pathways for two professional MMA fighters. These raw materials were introduced to create a duality within the situation and to visibly record the impact of the fight through unpredictable scuffs, marks and deposits. |
Interactive installation with live carving from professional stone mason.
Art in Action at The Tate Britain London 2012 |
Six Shooter is a Fictional Art Fair with one booth situated inside the Tate Britain and 5 interlocking hexagonal booths outside. Within each booth the audience were invited to alter classical plaster casts, depending on which booth they entered. A stone mason inside one of the booths carved one of the re-assembled sculptures into a block of marble over the course of the day. |
Collaboration with Proyecto 23 and Patricia Cabarello, produced by La Fragua.
La Fragua Belalcazar, Spain 2014 |
OFFICIUM DEFUNCTORUM is a collaboration inspired by sixteenth-century composition Officium Defunctorum by Cristóbal de Morales, a song which reflects on cyclical aspects of life. From this first impulse, the work establishes an eternal bridge between new and remote artistic languages, so that the viewer is immersed in a space full of sound and visual suggestions.
The event took place at the historical Convent of Santa Clara in Belalcázar, Spain. Two structures sat central to the space housing the choir and the dancer Patricia Cabarello, connected by a triangular platform. |
Garage Centre for Contemporary Culture
Live and interactive installation Moscow 2012 |
An interactive, immersive installation, containing thousands of visitor made objects. Visitors were led through a series of environments and invited to contribute to a large ever-changing clay sculpture, comprised of broken forms. The work was a mass collaboration between audience and artist, in which the inner workings and the process of creation were contested in an installation of hierarchical systems and factory like production.
Live performance / 1hr
The Florence Trust London 2014 |
A tower like sculpture with broken classical casts suspended at it's core and a seating component at the base, which models sat within during the opening of the exhibition.
La Fragua, Spain
Solo show
La Fragua, Spain
Solo show
Aid and Abet
Cambridge 2012 |
Three interlocking hexagonal structures that hosted three MMA bouts from within. The floor of each booth was coated in different material and raw pigment, which tracked the fights and interlocking scenarios. Bodily prints, scuffs and indentations were left on the structures which fractured into one another. The structures holding the energy and being the only observer to the event.
A series of live events throughout the duration of the exhibition
Including MMA professionals and models, Anarch, London 2012 |
The newly opened gallery was transformed into a controlled situation/environment. The core of the sculpture housed a series of live cage fights, physically deconstructing it from the inside out. The structure was altered for each event with varying controlled degrees of visibility for the audience.
Fictional art fair booth built inside our studio
activated by UK MMA champion professionals Florence Trust, London 2011 |
A fictional art fair booth, sited inside the artist's studio at the Florence Trust, London. Professional MMA fighters were invited to use the booth to compete and spar in, which in turn deconstructed the gallery from the inside out. The floor of the booth coated in raw pigment tracked the bodily marks on the walls which were left and exhibited, along with the broken structure. The exhibited booth gave importance to the act of creation through intuition, energy, collision and force and the disruption of form. The site then continued to be used as an evolving environment that experimented with destruction and creation. CULL gallery was later taken to GARAGE as part of a mass immersive installation and to the Tate Britain as part of a six booth fictional art fair for Art in Action.
Welded steel structure with florescent lights, uprooted trees, branches, turf, and 4,000+ clay models from the public within a two day event.
The Garage Centre for Contemporary Culture, Moscow 2011 |